
The Journey

The Journey

August 2024.

Oh, the adrenaline of Power. It’s like with pay: no matter how much they have, they always want more. It’s intoxicating and addictive. Of course, then comes the hangover… when it comes.

On the long and complicated journey of the ruler, whoever it may be, what matters is the destination. And, contrary to what one might think, the destination is not getting somewhere. No, the destination is going down in history as the brilliant and historic driver that is the Supreme.

Every morning, he turns on the windshield wiper of the vehicle that some still call «Nation.» He thus removes the multitude of insects and dirt that has adhered to the glass. Let nothing obscure or deform his vision of the road, not even the golden letters that will exalt the history of the country or, better yet, the world.

Let the insects be corpses and absences, it doesn’t matter. And neither does that the dirt be blood and the rocks that reality throws. Let nothing stop his advance.

And when his shift behind the wheel is over, what’s left?

Because no one seems to care where that road leads and, above all, who owns the vehicle. Because isn’t he the one who decides where, with whom, at what speed and with which passengers that trip is made?

Oh, but there will always be pedestrians in history.

From the mountains of the Mexican Southeast.

The Captain.
August 2024.


1.- Do not forget that Chalco, more than 30 years ago, was the emblematic jewel of Carlos Salinas de Gortari and his “Solidarity” program, the intellectual and practical antecedent of the “Welfare” programs. With what is now being suffered in that place, where is Salinas de Gortari to give an account? Will today’s subjects be there to give an account of the foreseeable catastrophes that their “Welfare” megaprojects will lead to?

2.- The conservative opponents were “adversaries.” And those who rebel and resist the system? Oh, those were (and are) enemies. They deserved and deserve death, discredit and oblivion. Or all of them together. That is why there is oblivion, impunity and ignorance regarding the murder of brother Samir Flores Soberanes and all the guardians of the Earth who were murdered, disappeared and imprisoned in the so-called “revolution of consciences.”

3.- The name doesn’t matter, it’s the same. A calm look is enough to understand it. Of course, that is if you want to understand and not just confirm personal phobias and philias (free or paid).

4.- In the oficialismo [ruling party] not all are the same, it’s true. There are unpunished criminals, who were already in the PRI, the PAN, the PRD, the PT and the PVEM before jumping to the ruling party; or like the future head of Public Education. And there are those who are simply stupid, like the paradoxical Marx Arriaga.

5.- The mistake that was committed before the «benefit of the doubt» is repeated. Those who criticized us for not supporting and criticizing the change of skin of the viper, were the most ferociously attacked by those they defend. Now they do it again, claiming that «she is a woman.» Man, woman, otroa [other], it doesn’t matter. Up above we find the problem, not the solution. If one doesn’t look down, one will keep tripping over the same stone. And that would be pathological. The government does not seek support, but complicity.

6.- It had the authoritarianism of Gustavo Díaz Ordaz; the cardboard nationalism of Luis Echeverría Álvarez, the corrupt demagogy of José López Portillo, the administrative mediocrity of Miguel de la Madrid, the perversity of Carlos Salinas de Gortari, the criminal vocation of Ernesto Zedillo, the encyclopedic ignorance of Vicente Fox, the militarism and short fuse of Felipe Calderón, and the frivolous superficiality of Enrique Peña Nieto. What is it? Oh, and the court of flatterers of all of them. Presidents change, payrolls change. Self-praise and whining-ness are part of the «personal style of governing.»


1.- The so-called opposition’s strategy of «no over-representation» does not seek the, for decades, non-existent balance of power. What they want is to raise the sale price of their decisions in the chambers. Market logic, then.

2.- The supposed «defense» of the Judicial Power is nothing but self-defense. Criminals tend to unite when they see themselves threatened. What is at stake is not the autonomy of the judges, but who runs the business of buying and selling justice.

3.- The intellectual authors of «the opposition unit» do not explain the failure. Others pay for the mistakes, not them, so there is no problem. Bertha’s defeat shows that the issue is not about gender or about columns of «specialists», but about apparatus. And that was already taken away by the ruling party six years ago.

4.- They complained, they complain and they will complain about the same thing they practiced for years: lying, slander, insults, snubbing, media spitting, “not presenting evidence of what was said”, abuse of power in the media, the morning tribune. And about a ridiculous information platform, like the one they have been building for decades. Whiners, then. In plural.

5.- Did they really think that characters like Alito, the Chuchos and whatever the name of the president of the National Action Party is, would be an eligible option? That Bertha’s nonsense would “draw” the young electorate?

6.- They did not know how to present themselves as a “center” option (not only because that does not exist, but that is another issue), and neither as a right-wing option. But do not worry, that ideological stuff is just that, ideological stuff. And what matters is business. That is, realistic politics.

Well, that’s that.

There were things left pending in the megabytes, but that will happen later. Or it won’t happen.

The Captain.

(To be continued…)