Saturday Dec 28
Introduction to the Encounters of Resistance and Rebelion
Capitán Insurgente Marcos
Table I: The Storm: The Crime, the Executioner, and the Victims
Jorge Alonso, Raúl Romero, Carlos Aguirre Rojas, Iván Prado, John Holloway
Table II: The Storm Chapter Mexico: The Crime, the Executioner, and the Victims
Inés Durán, Jacobo Dayán, Bárbara Zamora, Carlos González
The Watchtower: A Binocular-View of Yesterday
Capitán Insurgente Marcos
Zapatista Rebellion and Resistance Roundtable. Part I. Genealogy of the Zapatista Commons
Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés and Members of the CCRI-CG of the EZLN
Sunday Dec 29
Zapatista Rebellion and Resistance Roundtable. Part II. Women
Commanders of the CCRI-CG of the EZLN, authorities of the Assemblies of Collectives of Autonomous Zapatista Governments, Anselma Margarito, Sylvia Marcos.
The Tree, the Stone, and the Tomorrow
Capitán Insurgente Marcos
Zapatista Rebellion and Resistance Roundtable. Part III. The First Steps of the Zapatista Commons
Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés and Members of the CCRI-CG of the EZLN and Promoters of the Zapatista Autonomous Health System
Monday Dec 30
Genealogy of the Zapatista Commons
Subcomandante Insurgente Moisés
The Watchtower: Signs for Tomorrow
Capitán Insurgente Marcos