Category: Zapatista Communiques

  • EZLN: A Series of Advice for Young People

    ★ December 30, 2024 I’m going to end with a piece of advice for young people, a series of advice for young people. When you start giving advice to young people, you’re already old. “When I was your age, blah blah blah…” Well, first enjoy your crises of gender, calendar, geography, class, and race. Enjoy…

  • The Fourth World War

    The Fourth World War

    We have already been through the horrors of a Third World War. Today we are in the Fourth, and if we are to stop this war, we need to know what we are fighting, or rather, what is fighting us. To better understand this moment, we turn to theory from below from those who know…

  • Words of the EZLN 30 years since their uprising

    Words of the EZLN 30 years since their uprising

    “30 years were enough for us to realize what our young compañeros and compañeras presented: the pyramid is useless”