ADAGIOS Let us begin again, then, with some aphorisms from decades ago. See for yourself whether what was said then helps or not to understand what is happening now. I The goal of critical thinking is not to find the truth (and therefore build a new alibi for the arbitrariness of the moment), but to…

  • A PICK AND A SHOVEL. Of solidarity, empathy and courage

    A PICK AND A SHOVEL. Of solidarity, empathy and courage

    A PICK AND A SHOVEL.Of solidarity, empathy and courage August 2024. Solidarity with what is distant – and I am not talking about geography, but about its place in information – is not only comfortable.  Furthermore, it allows the most absurd and contradictory positions (such as justifying the murder of civilians, mostly children, who ignore…

  • Let’s suppose, without conceding…

    Let’s suppose, without conceding…

    August 2024. Let’s suppose, without conceding, that you can imagine the following: You were born as part of an indigenous people.  In a community, you acquired its language, its culture, its way.  All of this makes you different.  For official anthropology, your language is a “dialect” and your people are an “ethnicity.”  You are what…

  • Shall we recommence?

    Shall we recommence?

    The fig tree rubs its windwith the roughness of its branches,and the mountain, beach marten cat,bristles its sour fibers.But who shall come? And where…? (Romance Sonámbulo.Federico García Lorca) Yes, the wind and the mountains seem to have known each other for a long time.  I could tell you the exact date, but it’s beside the…

  • The Fourth World War

    The Fourth World War

    We have already been through the horrors of a Third World War. Today we are in the Fourth, and if we are to stop this war, we need to know what we are fighting, or rather, what is fighting us. To better understand this moment, we turn to theory from below from those who know…

  • Palabras del EZLN a 30 años de su levantamiento

    Palabras del EZLN a 30 años de su levantamiento

    “Nos bastó 30 años para darnos cuenta lo que presentaron nuestros compañeros y compañeros jóvenes: no sirve el pirámide.”

  • A Declaration… for Life

    Original Spanish: http://enlacezapatista.ezln.org.mx/2021/01/01/primera-parte-una-declaracion-por-la-vida/ First of January in the year 2021. TO THE PEOPLES OF THE WORLD: TO THE PERSONS WHO STRUGGLE IN THE FIVE CONTINENTS: SIBLINGS AND COMPAÑER@S: During these previous months, we have established contact between us by various means. We are women, lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, transvestites, transsexuals, intersex, queer and more, men,…